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Members Get A Discount

Join or renew your membership in CALTAC, and pay the lower price for the workshop you are attending. Send the application with your registration information. You may include the cost of membership in your check for workshop registration.
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Terrific Advocacy Tools

Wear one yourself and give your city council members, your Chamber of Commerce members, your community movers and shakers each a pin. When budget time approaches, sell or give a button to each person who attends the City Council or the Board of Supervisors' meeting to wear and then sit together. Ask your Friends' group to buy some pins to use/sell at their next book sale as a fundraiser. The uses are many - and so can be the benefits!

Order Today

Pins can be ordered from There is a minimum purchase of 10 pins for mail orders at $1.00 per pin. Shipping and handling varies upon location.