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Join or renew your membership in CALTAC, and pay the lower price for the workshop you are attending. Send the application with your registration information. You may include the cost of membership in your check for workshop registration.
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Attach no more than 6 pages (3 double-sided) and no less than three (3) pages to support your nomination telling us how the nominee made a difference to your library and library board. These pages may be letters of recommendation and press clippings. Items may be reduced in size, but must be legible. Send the form and related information to Yu-Lan Chou by October 2, 2008 (see form). The persons or organizations chosen to receive recognition will be honored at the CALTAC luncheon, Sunday, November 16, 2008 held during the annual conference of the California Library Association, this year in San Jose, CA.
Some of the services provided by the nominees must have occurred within the past two years. Individuals making nominations must be current/paid members of CALTAC, Current CALTAC board members are ineligible to nominate or to be nominated during their terms of office. Each nomination must be on a separate form. Photocopies of the form are accepted.
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